Saturday, July 7, 2012

Nader: Fearful Democrats on Defeatist Path

Breaking from
Nader: Fearful Democrats on Defeatist Path
Republicans criticize Democrats in Congress for being too liberal, but consumer activist and former presidential candidate Ralph Nader criticizes them for being too conservative.
“If the Democrats in Congress were all drinking water from the same faucet, there might be a clue to their chronic fear of the craven and cruel corporatist Republicans who dominate them,” he writes on his web site. “But they don’t, so we have to ask why their fear, defeatism, and cowering behavior continue in the face of the outrageous GOP actions as the November election approaches.”
Republicans have won over voters with their passion, Nader says. “To paraphrase author and lapsed Republican, Kevin Phillips, the Republicans go for the jugular, while the Democrats go for the capillaries.”
Democrats take it on the chin from House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Nader says. “But they do not go into these politicians’ backyards in Virginia and Ohio to expose the unpopular agendas pitched by these Wall Street puppets.”
Democrats let Republicans get away with backing big corporations, Nader says. “The Democrats should be land-sliding the worst Republican Party in history,” he writes. But that’s obviously not happening.
“Though rolling in promotional capability, the Democrats still have not come up with a clear list of the hundreds of Republican disastrous proposals – passed in the House or proposed,” Nader says. “These wrongful Republican initiatives should be boiled down to their vicious essence for public diffusion. Instead, the blue-dog Democrats are constantly, and with impunity, giving Republicans cover.”
Democrats had better awaken soon if they hope to avert an electoral disaster, Nader says. “The coming days await a new and open jolting push by prominent outside Democrats who fervently want to wrench their party back from the abyss, from its own self-imposed sense of dread before a devastating, self-inflicted November defeat.”
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